This release includes numerous improvements to our help and support tools, billing settings, create event workflow, sign in / sign up and registration workflows, general usability improvements and stability fixes.

What’s New

Help Support

  • The Event Manager App and Event Portal both connect directly to ClearEvent’s support system ( through context-sensitive help buttons. When the user clicks the help button, support articles related to that part of the app load in a new browser tab to assist the user .In the Event Manager App, relevant support articles are accessed using a Help button (Green circle with white question mark) at the top right of every view. In the Event Portal users can click the word “Help” at top right to access help articles.

Create Event

  • We’ve improved the sign-in process from the Event Portal to provide better continuity for your returning participants and for new unregistered users when they Sign In.The new Sign In process directs unregistered visitors to the list of published registration forms for your event when they click Sign In while on the Event Portal. Registered users can simply sign in and access the personalized event details that your event has shared with them as participants.We’ve enhanced the registration process to simplify the ClearEvent Account creation step so that it’s easier and faster than ever.

    Additionally, we’ve made a few small changes to improve the experience of purchasing a new event license & plan. When creating a new event, the checkout process highlights the selected Event Plan and streamlines the ClearEvent Account Sign In / Sign Up process making it faster and easier for everyone!


  • Event Owners can now easily update their credit card details on file for their event. This is useful when a credit card expires, is lost, or you want to change the credit card used to pay for the Event Plan.Event Owners many also want to do this when transferring responsibilities to a someone who is taking over from them, ensuring that their card will not be used for the event when they leave.To change your credit card details, open the Event Manager AppEvent Setup section > Billing tab. The Billing tab is only visible to Event Managers assigned that have the Event Owners security role assigned.

    To change credit card details, use the field under Current Credit Card Information in the lower part of the page, click the Update Credit Card button. You’ll be prompted to update the credit card details as well as the billing email address on file.

    As a reminder, ClearEvent does not keep credit card numbers on file, instead ClearEvent receives a authorization token from Stripe and Stripe handles the actual charges to your credit card.

General Fixes

  • Numerous small fixes have been implemented in several parts of the application.
  • Improvements include:
    • An improved Stripe sign up experience when returning to ClearEvent from creating your Stripe account.
    • Fixed: Problem showing the default header image that is displayed when a participant registers for an event but no custom event branding is configured has been fixed.
    • Fixed: The Budget Widget on the Dashboard was not including Smart Budget Line Item totals.


  • The registration forms designer in the Event Manager AppForms section has been updated to relax constraints around adding and removing user profile fields after a form has been published. Previously, once a form was published, it was not possible to add/remove user profile fields to the form. Now, Event Managers with access to the Forms module can add and remove Phone, Mobile Phone and Address user profile fields after once a form is un-published.The First Name, Last Name and Email user profile fields remain required fields. The Address field is required for tax remittance reasons and will be added to the form if the form is configured to collect entry fees.