This release includes numerous usability and stability fixes that include new role-based security features, branding, internet calendar support and more…

What’s New

Granular Security

  • Event Owners can now control which areas of the Event Management Portal their organizing team may access.System access can be tailored for an individual on your team by assigning unique security role combinations. For example, you can restrict an individual on your organizing team to only view budget information by assigning them to the “Budget Manager” security role. You can combine as many roles as you like.
    • To assign security roles:
      1. Open the Event Manager App > Event Setup section > Admin tab.
      2. When inviting a new Event Administrator, click the +Invite button and choose the roles you wish to assign.
    • To modify existing assigned security roles:
      1. Open the Event Setup module and click on the Admin tab.
      2. Click the Roles button and choose the desired roles.
  • You can modify security role assignments anytime afterwards by returning to the Event Manager App > Event Setup section > Admin tab.
  • Important change for Organization Admins: If you are an Organization Administrator, and previously sent an Event License to another Event Administrator to allow them to create a new event, that Event Administrator will now need to explicitly assign you to one or more security roles in order for you to be able to access their event. To do this, ask the Event Administrator to assign you to one or more security roles in the Event Manager App > Event Setup section > Admin tab.

Custom Branding

  • Add some pizzazz to your Event Portal with ClearEvent’s new branding capabilities!
  • Go to Event Manager App > Branding section to upload a custom event logo and header background image to your Event Portal and Registration Forms. You can also change the accent colors and choose from a selection of high contrast accessibility colors.
  • See how your selections will look on an active rendering of your Event Portal right there in the new Branding section.
  • To modify branding:
    1. Note: Branding may only be modified by Event Managers assigned to the Event Owner or Event Admin security role.
    2. Go to the Event Manager App > Branding section.
    3. Upload a custom logo, background image or adjust the accent colors.
    4. Click the Save button to apply your changes.
    5. Click the View Live Event Portal button to open a new tab and preview your changes.
    6. Use the color pickers to select and apply new colors to the header text, buttons and menu text.
    7. Use the View Live Event Portal button to see your changes throughout the Event Portal and on your Registration Forms.

Event Rollover

  • We’ve made enhancements to Event Rollover. There is now a summary of how event dates will be handled when the event is rolled over. We’ve also made some internal improvements to account for the new security roles.

General Usability Improvements

  • We’ve added numerous improvements to the usability of ClearEvent. This is an ongoing process. If you notice something that could be improved or would make ClearEvent easier to use, please let us know. A good example of this is the newly introduced support for adding dates to your calendar which was suggested by a ClearEvent Customer. Thank you Amarpreet! Our goal is to develop software that you love to use!
  • Added Support for saving dates to your calendar. Many date fields shown in ClearEvent now include a small clickable calendar symbol which allows the user to add the date or the date range to their calendar. This feature is included in the My Events list, the Event Portal, and in all your registration forms.
  • ClearEvent Account phone fields have been renamed to “Phone” and “Mobile Phone” to better match user expectations.
  • Budget Categories are now easier to add. New +Revenue Category and +Expense Category buttons have been added to the Budget section toolbar.
  • The My Events list now has two tabs, one for current and upcoming events, the other for past events. When you rollover your event, you will see a listing in Past Events for your previous running of your event (for historical purposes) as well as a listing in Upcoming Events for the next running of your event.
  • Looking for the link to share your Event Portal? Now you can simply go to the Event Manager App > Event Setup section > General tab. The link is available here and can be easily copied and pasted into your website and email or marketing materials. Note the link to your Event Portal is “evergreen”, meaning once you “roll your event over” for next time, the link to your Event Portal will continue to be usable. No need to update the places or communications where you have previously used the link.
  • In the Event Manager App > Event Setup section > General tab, there is both an Event Summary and an Event Description field now. The Event Summary field value will appear with the listing of your event on the My Events page and allows up to 500 characters. The Event Description field value will appear on the Event Portal. It can now accept up to 5000 characters (or roughly 1-2 pages of text on smaller devices).
  • As well as numerous smaller fixes and improvements throughout the ClearEvent application.

Registration Forms

  • We’ve made a series of improvements to the Forms section. Some focus on making it easier to create and work with forms while other improvements make it easier for your participants to register with your event.
  • Registration Forms listed in the Forms section now include the Participant Type under each form name for easy reference.
  • Copy Forms! You can create a copy of a form with one click! Simply select the form you want to copy in the Forms section, and click the Copy Form button (which appears on the right side of the form you selected.) A new copy of the form will appear in the list. You can then edit the copy just like any other form.
  • Automatically add your registrants to your Contacts list. Registrant contact details are now added to Contacts list by default. When a person registers for your event, their contact information will be added to Contacts. If you have a registration form where you do not want registrants to be added to contacts, simply uncheck the Add to Contacts check box in the Event Manager App > Forms section > Edit FormSettings tab.
  • You can now create “Private Forms” which will not be listed in the Event Portal. This allows events to open registration to a more limited set of attendees. To make a form private, uncheck the Show on Event Portal check box in the Event Manager App > Forms section > Edit Form > Publish tab.
  • Publishing forms that include payments now requires payments to be set up for your event in the Payments module. This ensures that all registrants will be able to complete your form and complete their registration payment to your event.
  • The Event Manager App > Forms section > Edit Form > Publish tab has been streamlined to make the buttons, fields and messages clearer.
  • Deleting a field from a Form causes the field above to become selected. This makes it easier and quicker to make changes to your form.
  • We’ve also made many small improvements to the form designer to make it easier to create and edit your forms.
  • Let us know if you see any items you feel could be improved!


  • These performance enhancements will help improve page load times in both the Event Portal and in the Event Manager App. We have optimized the amount of data that is loaded when you enter ClearEvent and reduced the information that is loaded when certain views are selected in ClearEvent.
  • In general, you should find ClearEvent to be more responsive. As with all applications accessing data over the internet, some unrelated internet delays can occur from time to time.
  • Please let us know how it is working for you.

Addresses and taxes

  • Registration Forms which include payments will now automatically include registrant address fields from the registrants ClearEvent Account as a required field.
  • This is needed by the event in order to determine the tax payable, if any, on the payment received by the event. The address information is available to events in the Event Manager App > Participants section > Participants tab > Participant Details tab. This information may also be exported by event administrators.
  • NOTE: ClearEvent is not able to advise event organizers on tax matters. Please seek advise from your tax professional.